Sep 5Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

I'm about to have my Virgo birthday, so this astrological meditation caught my eye. Here's to the "practical, earthy world of work."

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Happy Virgo birthday, Diane--it fits you well, I think.

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Sep 2Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

This was absolutely fascinating! Thank you! For the last week I've been in an organising mood and now I know why (I'm not a Virgo by the way). The section about Mercury's medicines was very interesting. China had a Zodiac herb garden, I seem to remember? I am going to enjoy this series.

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You're right, Lynn--China has a Zodiac garden. On Saturday, some of her friends from the Herb Guild came over and did some harvesting and cleanup. Each took home a hefty bundle of mixed herbs to dry: sage, thyme, rosemary, etc. 😍

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Sep 2Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Good grief, Susan! How much time and effort must you have spent researching all this info! Pretty darned fascinating. I've never thought of the Zodiac in terms of seasons, only as it related to people's birthdays. Now I need to go look up what time I was born.

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It's fascinating, isn't it? So much to work with here--gives us another frame for our stories, don't you think?

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Without a doubt. Side note: can't find the time I was born...

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Aug 31Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Great idea for a newsletter, Susan. I enjoyed it!

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Lots of interesting material to work with. I'm eager to see how it comes together as we get a little deeper into the zodiac--especially the workbools. The tarot is such a fruitful source of ideas.

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Aug 30Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Find this very interesting and informative. Thanks for sending this. Will take note. I have a Virgo moon.

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Thanks for reading, Jean. Hope you have time to dig a little deeper.

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I will take the time. I have enjoyed your books for years and this is an area I am interested in. Thanks for all this information.

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I'm intrigued by your description of your Pecan Springs mysteries, Maria. Thank you for these rich and timely garden offerings.

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Thank you, Robin. Glad you're enjoying my work.

(I think this was meant for me.)

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Susan, yes it was meant for you!

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Aug 29Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

I really like the focus on the garden, the herbs and the language (Guardian instead of Ruler). I'm also an astrologer and alternate astrology posts with other topics, often Celtic since I've authored a trilogy, Revealing the Druid Legacy series. I've learned a great deal about the pre-christian ancestors through this inspired (muse-given) process. And I have Virgo rising with Saturn to teach me some of the downsides. I will look forward to reading your posts, though I am not a gardener. There's lots to gain from reading about this, even without having the gardening gift (Saturn in Virgo on the ASC also doesn't like getting hands dirty LOL).

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Author

Shellie, in this series, I'm writing more for people who aren't gardeners. My main purpose is to encourage people to observe and connect with the plants that created the environment our species finds habitable. I'm using the symbol systems of astrology (and tarot as well, in the workbooks) as a means to that end. You're right: there's lots to gain from this. Plants aren't just beautiful, or the scenic setting for the dramas of our lives. 🙂

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Yes! And another area of my life is being a professional Aromatherapist. So I totally hear you.

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Love this! I'm a Virgo and can confirm that this is an intense time for us. Analyzing all the alternatives, delegating tasks, and multi-tasking to the max. I even found myself in the garden under the last full moon with boundless energy and much to do. =)

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Aug 27Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Thanks for all of the information surrounding being born a Virgo! I particularly like the references about the Hermit Tarot card. I was inspired to order the Herbcrafter's Tarot which arrived today! I am also enjoying the Virgo Workbook! My Wisdom Nest would start out with branches of blooming Rosemary with blue flowers (for Remembrance) Afghan pinecones from our grove of 40 trees, Wild Sunflowers, and a pretty candle in the center, Minerals such as Amethyst, for Healing and Health, and a rose quartz heart for Compassion.

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Glad to hear that you have the deck. I've found the (included) booklet to be excellent, especially since the designer's choices (Latisha did the text and made all the selections) are out of the ordinary.

Your Wisdom Nest sounds just right for you, with maybe a sprig/twigs from Hawaii?

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Aug 25Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Fascinating article! Loved it.

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Thanks, Kathy. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series!

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Aug 24Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Yep I'm a Virgo and very organized with most everything I do. This time of year I seem to get the urge to redo, straighten, and organize. The herbal information was very interesting and I appreciate that you are sharing your knowledge!

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Thanks--glad you found it interesting. More to come!

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Aug 24Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

My older sister was a Virgo.She was a librarian and very organized even her desk drawers were neat. She was very bossy , but she had a beautiful singing voice and was a paid church soloist for many years

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Author

Virgos have a strong service orientation and love to help others get things done efficiently and neatly. Maybe comes across as bossy? Lovely that she found a way to use her gifts in service.

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Aug 23Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Our son was born on Sept. 22nd, and I see a few Virgo traits in him, as he's musical and artistic, yet he is driven to get things done. And, his practice to perfect his music - playing, singing, composing - seems to be a Virgo trait. Your info about all of the plants will require some study on my part, rather than a casual reading, to get it all. So informative, Susan!

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Nancy, just hang onto the material--copy/paste/save or return to it online. It'll still be there when you get around to it. And if you have questions (and interest) just ask.

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Aug 22Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Thanks, friend Susan. Yes - I gave up ‘perfect’ a while ago! It was easier to shed than guilt...

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Good for you. I'm still working on that (Capricorn).

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Aug 22Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Wow, Susan, so much of this is new to me, a Virgo. The bit about influence of retrogrades resonated as there’s suddenly a fair bit of turmoil in my life. Will have to digest and, of course, analyze, all this. Thanks so much.

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Hope that turmoil is temporary, Lynne. And yes, Virgo loves to analyze, understand, weigh and measure. All fine, as long as we remember that the perfect is the enemy of the . . . you know. 😘

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Aug 22Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Susan, WOW! This information is quite detailed and amazing. I don't know much about the astrological signs--I'm a Saggitarius born on the cusp. Not sure of what moon, sun, or anything else, however, the gardening insights are wonderful. I'm re-reading Braiding Sweetgrass right now and somehow I think all of this will link together (maybe?) Thanks for helping us "Grow Green"!

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You're right about the connections w/Sweetgrass. We tend to treat plants as "our" garden props or the green backdrop to a nice walk. That book has done so much to make us more aware of other dimensions of the green world--what I hope to do with this little publication. I hope you have time to play with some of this material, Shawn!

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