Sep 2, 2023Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Cashews and cashew yogurt have become a mainstay in my diet in recent years. And had to give up onions and garlic (which I loved) some long time ago. This got me using various chilies in many recipes as a flavor and heat substitute. I feel like I have been in training for Ruby's Cookies! So glad Sue Tweit (below) mentioned Pumpkin Posole. I found a recipe online and will look forward to trying it, too!

Speaking of Ruby, some months ago I had a dream in which China and Ruby were on the King Ranch tracking down a 'bad guy'. Their car broke down and they sought out some horses to keep going. China got a fast Quarter horse, but Ruby had to settle for a recalcitrant burro that took her where it wanted to go! In all ways Ruby, the burro took her right to the bad guy! Long legged Ruby perched on that burro like a grasshopper still makes me smile. 😃

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What a weird dream, Sandy! I'll have to let Ruby know that she's living another life in the dreams of one of her friends. And maybe she can get China to trade that horse for her burro. Interesting that it was the King Ranch--I used to visit the neighboring Kenedy Ranch (now Lebh Shomea, a retreat center) a couple of times a year.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

I mostly know of the King Ranch because my father loved horses and could name the first 20-30 quarter horses that were bred there. He had a great memory of most anything he had ever read and knew rather a lot about the King Ranch as well. But I had not thought of any of that for years before having that dream. I looked up the Lebh Shomea retreat center and discovered that it is now the Oblate La Parra Center. That apparently is the original name of a part of the Kenedy Ranch. Love the idea of all quiet spaces. Give me land, lots of land under starry skies above.... And a few of Ruby's cookies! 😎👍

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Lebh Shomea is the place I wrote about in Together, Alone. Both ranches (Kenedy, King) have a fascinating history.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Hmmm .... The coincidences just keep popping up. Very interesting.

Just ordered Together Alone and should have it by mid-September - coming by goat cart I believe. Scarry to think of what dreams I will have after reading it and finishing off a few of Ruby's cookies! Mine will be gluten free. Yes, I am one of those strange birds, too. Must admit that I will be going light on the habanero powder - read that really light - until I know what I can take of the hot stuff. But hey, what's not to love about slice and bake cookies - heat or no heat?! As always, thank you!

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I'm not a habanero lover, either. Bill is the chile-head here. He eats ALL those cookies.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Thanks for always sharing with us, Susan. Your new digs on the internet are working well. Happy September 1st. 🌻

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Enjoy your holiday, Peg!

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I need to try these and soon I’ve heard about them so much, and I do like hot stuff. Thank you for the nudge.

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Ruby's recipes were always so good, I saved them all.

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Thank you for sharing this recipe here! It reminds me that these are the perfect fall cookies to have after pumpkin posole, my favorite cold-weather supper dish. Yum!

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