Thank you for brightening up April Susan! It seems to get hidden under the gloom of tax season through no fault of its own. In truth April is when my much-maligned Horse Chestnut trees come into bloom and try to make up for all of the work they leave me with the rest of the year. They honestly do stop traffic! Quite the show-offs with their huge candelabra brackets of blooms that can grow as much as 4 inches each day. The lilacs come on a week or two later. They too leaf out with remarkable speed before adding their sweet scent and blooms to the yard. I expect the barn swallows to be showing up soon to grace the back field with song and glides, as well as animated tweets while sitting on the nearby house wires. Thank you for reminding me to take a closer look at April, including the dandelions! Which I do enjoy as salad greens now in the spring and then later in the fall. I never bother to dig them up for making tea, but I do like store bought dandelion root tea with a drop of honey.

Oh, and let us not forget that this month's flower is daisy! Very soon I will have a field of classic ox-eye daisies. So easy to over-look and yet so welcoming when brought to the kitchen countertop in one of mom's pitchers.

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Apr 2Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

I remember a great aunt making "Dandelion wine." She and her friends shared it for a "pick-me-up" during the hot, humid afternoons in rural Tennessee.

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Apr 2Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

I’d like to join the private FB group, please, when you have a chance. Raeanne

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Apr 1Liked by Susan Wittig Albert


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Apr 1Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Loved the story on dandelions! As I look out on our backyard, I see we have a number of them blooming...now I have an excuse to put off mowing the lawn! Also glad to hear about the new China book. I'm a bit behind in the series so it will be awhile before I read it, but I do want to make sure to have it in hand!

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Apr 1Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

I think that’s where I first learned to say ‘just because you can doesn’t mean you should’ 😁

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Apr 1Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Right you are! And I drew the line at coming home from work and heading out to forage for the evening meal 🤣🤣

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Apr 1Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

I would like to be invited to your Facebook Group "Thyme Place and Story." Thanks

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Apr 1Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Susan, you and China are welcome! I'm sad it's the last China book, but I'm so delighted that you are writing short stories and also that you post here at least once a week. And we have so many of your books that can be reread and listened to! Thank you for all that you do and have done!

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I will be sharing the dandelion doggerel! I should post a sign in our yard "Dandelions welcome here!" I think I will include some in our dinner.

We had our eclipse back in August 2017, and we hosted people, too! It was over too soon and I forgot to watch to see what the duck flock did during the event. I got to sing in a concert that comprised entirely songs celebrating the sun sometime near the actual event. Enjoy!

Time to get out and enjoy the sunny day!

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Apr 1Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Please put me on the list for the Facebook group, Susan. I am re-reading and loving all the Dahlia books and I have a picture of Sally Lou’s Pecan coffee cake to share. I’m looking forward to the new China too!

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Apr 1Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

I had a Great Aunt that lived in the city and used to come to our farm in spring to dig up dandelion plants for salads. My dad used to laugh at her and tell her "she wasn't poor anymore, so did not need to eat dandelion salad!" She replied "I need for the goodness in it after a long winter."

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Apr 1Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Dandelions are great! I really enjoy your All About Thyme every month! And pre-ordered FORGET ME NEVER. I cannot wait. I love your short stories and everything else you write for us. Thank you!

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Monday morning coffee at my office with All About Thyme. Life is good. Happy Spring!

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Apr 1Liked by Susan Wittig Albert

Oh, dandelions! Something that really flourishes on our lot 😁 We let ‘em grow. I remember, in the late sixties, a craze for the flower buds, picked when they were just emerging and used in salads. And the whole young plant picked before it became green, also in salad.

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